The perfect year 2020 was not - although it started so well, with great plans in place. January came with an extended work trip to Los Angeles with nearly 4 weeks to enjoy the warmer weather and soak up the California vibe. Although I had limited time with my camera it seems that was all that I needed to snap some of my favorite images of the year.
Then almost as soon as that work trip was over nothing else went to plan for any of us as the world fell to its knees with the arrival of the global pandemic. We marched and fought for justice, equality and leaders we could admire while we all struggled to adjust to new ways of living and staying safe.
One of the questions I often ask myself is how I will look back on this time, because for all the challenges of 2020, it also brought for me some positive changes and hope. At the time when I lived it, there was no joy and it was really hard - But looking back I feel quite different.
Instead of constantly living out of a suitcase I had no choice but to become grounded at home. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been planning my next trip and I often barely unpack from one travel adventure before I am packing for the next. 2020 meant I grew to appreciate all I have on my doorstep. Granted, being based in New York City means this was an experience by itself, but it still took adjusting to. Seeing how the city that never sleeps became still and almost silent, and then slowly woke as something new was exciting. The appreciation everyone had for the simple things we had always taken for granted now filled us will gratitude. New ways to socialize such as outside eating and drinking meant the crowds slowly came back but nowhere near the amount there used to be. This of course puts a lot of pressure on New York’s economy, but it’s going in the right direction and there is also something to appreciate in spending less time fighting for space on this often overcrowded island.
Myself and Kai on our wedding day - Photograph taken by Ine @petrichorandpine
Instead of a spring wedding with the company of my family and friends, we experienced a winter wedding with just 2 guests in attendance while more friends than could have made it in May were able to join us virtually. This winter wedding became a possibility with only a few weeks notice and then soon after we were married my husband was able to move permanently to New York where we could live in the same country on the same time zone.
I started 2020 living in our home by myself - there are now 3 of us. Very early on during lockdown I got a young puppy - a small companion to help me get through the hard days that were coming and someone I could give unconditional love to, as well as receive it back. Something I’d wanted to do for many years but it was impractical with all my travel, but suddenly it seemed possible and made sense. I remember proclaiming years ago that if I had a dog my life would be complete, and Hatten has really kept me sane throughout this crazy time. 2020, the year I got a beautiful dog and a wonderful husband - as they say, you can wait a long time, and then all at once…
Hatten, my Miniature Schnauzer
The connections that I made during the Corona-Coaster of a year were also quite something. I built strong friendships and connections with people that in the pre-covid world could simply have remained friends that I crossed paths with occasionally due the intensity of our jobs and the travel this comes with. Instead they become my quarantine team and friendships for the future - one of the best parts of this crazy year.
Then the photography. Living a 10 minute walk from Central Park myself and Hatten would visit most weekends and as the summer turned to fall and then to winter I started to appreciate the place like never before.
So what will 2021 bring? Honestly who can say. For sure the 31st December won’t mark the start of something new other than a number as the world is still very much mid-act of this drama that is still unfolding in front of us. We have a long way to go and still a lot of healing ahead of us. I wish everyone the safest and most peaceful journey in 2021 - and may it bring something new and better to us all…